Choose Your Own Adventure (Cycling)
Pump your bikes, round up your friends, and explore Singapore your own way! Create and lead your own expeditions of any distance by foot or by bike and visit checkpoints of various nature ranging from religious, cultural, culinary, and environmental.
- In Groups, Unit
- 5 hrs
- Outdoors
Choose Your Own Adventure (Hike)
Put on your hiking shoes, round up your friends, and explore Singapore your own way! Create and lead your own expeditions of any distance by foot or by bike and visit checkpoints of various nature ranging from religious, cultural, culinary, and environmental.
- In Groups, Unit
- 5 hrs
- Outdoors
Race Together
We say “regardless of race, language, or religion”. But are we all truly treated “regardless of” race? Scouting is a global movement that aims to build a diverse and inclusive environment for all, so how can we as Scouts work together to bring this conversation forward? Learn more about racial identity and prejudices in this challenge.
- Individual
- 1 hrs
- Indoors
Regardless of
Diversity involves valuing and having regard for everyone and using those differences to create cohesive and diverse local, national and global communities. Put the "I" in diversity in this challenge!
- Individual, Unit
- 1 hrs
- At Home
Cub Scouts and Beyond
What comes after these few years as a Cub Scout? Find out more about the continuation of your journey
- Individual
- 45 mins
- At Home
My Scout Promise
What am I thankful for today? How did I exemplify my Scout promise today?
- Individual
- 30 mins
- At Home