Choose Your Own Adventure (Cycling)

Pump your bikes, round up your friends, and explore Singapore your own way! Create and lead your own expeditions of any distance by foot or by bike and visit checkpoints of various nature ranging from religious, cultural, culinary, and environmental.

You will need

  • Map
  • Compass
  • Bicycle


  • Ensure that laws and regulations are followed when activity is underway (No trepressing on private property).
  • Participants need not be from the same unit and interaction with other units are strongly encouraged.


2. Core Scouting Activities: Outdoor Exploration / Expedition

Make a visit to 4 Distinct Places of Interest, covering at least 60km by cycling, with prior approval from VSL:
i) Religious (eg: temple, mosque, church)
ii) Cultural (eg: heritage centres)
iii) Culinary (eg: hawker centres)
iv) Environmental (eg: parks, reservoirs)


  1. Was the hike physically difficult for you and/or your companions?
  2. What do you see at the Places of Interest that pique your interest, or something that you did not know about them?
  3. How would those Places of Interest play a part in Singapore’s Total Defence concept?



  • Physical Development
    Responsibility - Accepts his own share of responsibility for the harmonious development of his body.
  • Physical Development
    Identifying Needs - Is aware of the biological processes which regulate his body, protects his health, accepts his physical capabilities and directs his impulses and strengths.
  • Intellectual Development
    Collecting Information - Continually expands his knowledge by learning systematically and for himself.
  • Intellectual Development
    Problem Solving - Values science and technology as ways to understand and help man, society and the world.
  • Spiritual Development
    Spiritual Understanding - Has a deep understanding of the spiritual heritage of his community, shares with people of different faiths without discriminating.

Activity Counts Towards

Core Scouting Activities

  1. Camping: Participate in a TWO days ONE night Camp.
    Note: Venture Scouts who have completed the Core Scouting Activity (Camping) at Discoverer or Explorer under the Scout Progress Badge Scheme are exempted.
  2. Outdoor Exploration / Expedition: Use a map and compass to plan and execute an exploration hike/expedition of at least 15 km.
    Note: Venture Scouts who have completed the Core Scouting Activity (Outdoor Exploration / Expedition) at Explorer Award under the Scout Progress Badge Scheme are exempted.
  3. Pioneering: Participate in a pioneering activity.
    Note: Venture Scouts who have completed the Core Scouting Activity (Pioneering) at Discoverer or Explorer Award under the Scout Progress Badge Scheme are exempted.
  4. Outdoor Cooking: Participate in a cooking session in an outdoor setting.
    Note: Venture Scouts who have completed the Core Scouting Activity (Outdoor Cooking) at Discoverer or Explorer Award under the Scout Progress Badge Scheme are exempted.