Inspirations, Attitudes & Beliefs (DL3)

You will need

  • Computer


Please ensure that you are following safe distancing guidelines.


1. As a patrol, do a mind/concept map with the Scout Promise & Law as the central point.
– Branch out mind/concept map and find out what are the values associated with the Scout Promise & Law.
– Identify activities in your daily lives that showcases some of the values that you’ve found out.
– Design and Plan an activity that showcases 4 of the values that you have found out.

2. Research with your Patrol on at least 5 religions in Singapore and present your findings in a presentation to your Troop

What the scout can share about include but not limited to:
– Compare and find out what are the differences and similarities between the religious practices or festivals
– How are they celebrated/practised?
– Why are these religious practices or festivals important to their community?



  • 1i. What does the Scout Promise & Law mean to you?
  • 1ii. Are there any parts of the Scout Promise & Law that relate to you?
  • 1iii.How can you further incorporate the Scout Promise & Law into your life?
  • 2i. What are some things that you’ve learnt about your friends or their religion through this research & sharing session?
  • 2ii. What is the importance of understanding each other’s religion?


To run this at the troop level with all patrols being monitored by the SPL/TL as per patrol level instructions.



  • Social Development
    Scouts will learn the importance of the Scout Promise and Law and understand how it is the bedrock of Scouting. Scouts will also develop a sense of social responsibility by understanding the importance of upholding the Scout Promise and Law. Lastly, Scouts will understand the importance of relationships and communication through the exploration of the various religious misconceptions.
  • Intellectual Development
    Scouts will learn to analyse and understand the Scout Promise and Law with regard to the values associated with it. Scouts will also be able to expand their field of knowledge regarding the various religions in Singapore.
  • Character Development
    Scouts will learn to important values to uphold through the Scout Promise and Law and commits to making those values a part of their daily life. Scouts will be able to develop their critical awareness of themselves within the multi-cultural and religious community in Singapore.
  • Emotional Development
    Scouts will create a sense of self-awareness and reach a state of self-maturity through the Scout Promise and Law's values. Scouts will be able to build their confidence in understanding the various religions in Singapore.
  • Spiritual Development
    Scouts will be able to deepen their knowledge of the Scout Promise and Law and what it means to them. Scouts will also learn to constantly examine the consistency between their beliefs in the Scout Promise and Law and their actions.

Activity Counts Towards

1. I Promise to Act
Explain how the Scout Promise & Law can be a part of your daily life.
(Examples include, but are not limited to videos, posters, photos montage, comic strips or skit, etc.)

2. Let’s Celebrate
Research with another Scout (preferably of another faith) on TWO religious practices or festivals of your respective faiths celebrated in Singapore. Present your findings to your Patrol.

(Examples of leading questions.
• Compare and contrast the religious practices or festivals
• How are they celebrated?
What is the significance of these religious practices or festivals to their community?)"