Inspirations, Attitudes & Beliefs (SL3)

You will need

  • Computer


Please ensure that you are following safe distancing guidelines.


1. Plan a sharing session for the patrol to share about their religions.

Before sharing
– Discuss about some common misconceptions (e.g. Practices, Customs, Mores) about any religion that you or your patrol members have come across
– Note down the misconceptions that are raised.

What the scout can share about include but not limited to:
– Interesting facts about the Religion
– Festivals that are celebrated in Singapore
– Practices of the Religion
– Misconceptions of some practices in Singapore

– Were the misconceptions that the patrol has clarified? How? and Why?
– What are some of the learning points that you can take away?

2. Thank You: Note down acts of kindness towards you in your journal and write a letter of gratitude to someone whom you are thankful to in life
– Note down at least 3 acts of kindness towards you.
– Write and Design a letter/card of gratitude to someone that you are thankful to in life.
– The letter/card of gratitude can be to anyone (Teachers, Friends and Family, People mentioned in the acts of kindness etc.)
– Dedicate an article on the Troop’s social media about the letter/card of gratitude that the patrol has made.


  • 1i. Share how would you clarify those misconception with others?
  • 1ii Identify ways you can understand other religion’s practices better?
  • 2i. What can you learn from the acts of kindness?
  • 2ii. In your opinion, do you think that there are people that do acts of kindness in return for rewards, why?


To run this at the troop level with all patrols being monitored by the SPL/TL as per patrol level instructions.



  • Social Development
    Scouts will understand the importance of relationships and communication through the exploration of the various religious misconceptions. Scouts will also develop a sense of social responsibility by seeing themselves as part of the multi-cultural and religious community in Singapore.
  • Intellectual Development
    Scouts will be able to expand their field of knowledge regarding the various religious misconceptions in Singapore. Scouts will also be able to analyse and understand how these misconceptions came about through the various perspectives of their patrol members.
  • Character Development
    Scouts will be able to develop their critical awareness of themselves within the multi-cultural and religious community in Singapore. Scouts will also learn the importance of gratitude towards others through this activity.
  • Emotional Development
    Scouts will be able to build their confidence in understanding the various religions in Singapore to prevent making the same misconceptions again. Scouts will also learn to empathise with those who may have faced prejudice due to their religious or cultural background.
  • Spiritual Development
    Scouts will be able to deepen their knowledge of their spiritual heritage within their family & community and share with people of different faiths without discrimination. Scouts will also learn to constantly examine the consistency between their beliefs and actions. Lastly, Scouts will strive to make their spiritual principles a part of their daily life.

Activity Counts Towards

1. My Beliefs: Share with your Patrol your beliefs and practices in your religion

2. Thank You: Note down acts of kindness towards you in your journal and write a letter of gratitude to someone whom you are thankful to in life"