Sports & Physical Recreation (DL1)

You will need

  • Computer
  • Fitness Equipment (If needed)


Please ensure that you are following safe distancing guidelines.


1m. Research and learn more about an esport that you are interested in and plan how you can further improve and refine your skills.

Scouts can learn more about but not limited to:
– History of the esport
– Famous players
– The rules and regulation of the esport
– Method of play
– Team composition
– Basic/Essential techniques for the esport
– Equipment needed


Scouts can use SMART goal setting to help further improve and refine their skills.
– Specific
– Measurable
– Achievable
– Relevant
– Timely

2m. Research on some of the essential muscle groups that will help you in achieving a pass in your fitness test (i.e NAPFA)
Muscles groups that you wish to strengthen
A weight loss/workout journey that you wish to take upon.



  • 1mi. What are some things that you did not know about the sport before you started your research?
  • 1mii. What are some lessons that you can learn from some of the famous players in this sport?1miii. What are some of the difficulties you faced while trying to improve and refine your skill?
  • 2mi. Compared to the three weeks fitness plan, How have you changed this current plan. If no, has the previous plan been showing consistent improvements that have not yet to hit a plateau? If yes, has the previous plan hit a plateau in your improvements? How are you going to change the plan?
  • 2mii. How has your journey of trying to be physically fit impacted you in your daily life? “



  • Social Development
    Scouts will be able to understand the skills that are required to better themselves in the games that they play, improving their communication with their fellow peers.
  • Physical Development
    Scouts will be able to understand more about their own body through the research of the different muscle groups that will help them with their physical tests.
  • Intellectual Development
    Scouts will be able to continually expand their knowledge through the research and understanding of the games they play as well as their own body.
  • Character Development
    Through this activity, scouts will be able to make decisions by themselves and accept the results that comes with the decisions made.

Activity Counts Towards

1m. Research and learn more about a sport that you are interested in and plan how you can further improve and refine your skills.

2m. Set a goal for physical fitness that can be done at home for a period of SIX weeks and participate in it regularly (no less than FIVE hours) to show improvement over this period.