1m. Research and find out what are some of the interesting scouting games.
– List out some of the games that you wish to try out with your patrol
– Look out for games that are easily adaptable to an online platform
- The Inquiry Net [http://www.inquiry.net] – 84 Wide Games
- Scouting Resources UK [https://www.scoutresources.org.uk] – Games – Wide Games
2m. Research and learn about esports.
Scouts can learn more about:
– How did esports grow so much?
– What is in it for the future of Esports?
– How do professional esports players maintain a healthy lifestyle to perform consistently in the competitive scene?
– If you have a favourite game, what is your favourite esports team and why?
- World Economic Forum [https://www.weforum.org] – The explosive growth of Esports
- Independent [https://www.independent.co.uk] – Esports players are training like traditional athletes to enhance performance
- Acer [https://www.acer.com] – The importance of exercise training for Esports athletes
The Next Web [https://thenextweb.com] – Hitting the gym makes esports athletes more successful - Futureproof Blog by Futures Platform [https://www.futuresplatform.com] – The Future of eSports
- CNA [https://www.channelnewsasia.com] – 20 athletes break new ground to represent Singapore in e-sports at SEA Games 2019
3m. Research on some of the essential muscle groups that will help you in achieving a pass in your fitness test (i.e NAPFA)
Muscles groups that you wish to strengthen
A weight loss/workout journey that you wish to take upon.
- Ministry of Defence [https://www.mindef.gov.sg] – Secrets to passing IPPT
- Singapore Polytechnic [https://life.sp.edu.sg] – NAPFA Training Guide
- Free Trainers [https://www.freetrainers.com] – Exercises and Muscles
- Shape [https://www.shape.com] – How to build your workout routine for weight loss
- Self [https://www.self.com] – Weekly weight loss workout plan
3m. (b) Research on the harmful impact of smoking, alcohol and drug use – understand why these harmful products are still being used and what governments around the world are doing to address these issues.
- Foundation for a Drug-Free World [https://www.drugfreeworld.org] – The Truth About Drugs
- Independent [https://www.independent.co.uk] – 10 of the most dangerous street drugs in the world
- Our World in Data [https://ourworldindata.org] – Drug Use