Sports & Physical Recreation (EL1)

You will need

  • Computer
  • Fitness Equipment (If needed)


Please ensure that you are following safe distancing guidelines.


1m. Research and find out what are some of the interesting scouting games.
– List out some of the games that you wish to try out with your patrol
– Look out for games that are easily adaptable to an online platform


2m. Research and learn about esports.
Scouts can learn more about:
– How did esports grow so much?
– What is in it for the future of Esports?
– How do professional esports players maintain a healthy lifestyle to perform consistently in the competitive scene?
– If you have a favourite game, what is your favourite esports team and why?


3m. Research on some of the essential muscle groups that will help you in achieving a pass in your fitness test (i.e NAPFA)
Muscles groups that you wish to strengthen
A weight loss/workout journey that you wish to take upon.


3m. (b) Research on the harmful impact of smoking, alcohol and drug use – understand why these harmful products are still being used and what governments around the world are doing to address these issues.



  • 1mi. What are some of the difficulties you face with planning the game?
  • 1mii. What are some of the lessons you can take away from planning a Scouting Game from scratch? 
  • 2mi. Out of so many sports, why have these 1/3 sport sparked interest in you?
  • 2mii. After researching on these 1/3 sports, if you had a chance which one would you want to try and why?
  • 2mii. (Level 3 & 4) What was interesting about the competition that you’ve organised? Why? 
  • 3mi.What are some values that you can take away from planning, executing and sticking with the fitness plans that you have planned?
  • 3mii. In your opinion, what are some of the reasons that youths these days are resorting to smoking/substance abuse? What alternatives do they have instead of smoking/substance abuse?



  • Social Development
    Scouts will be able to understand what is happening in the world and gain awareness as a global citizen.
  • Physical Development
    Scouts will be able to understand what are some of the good and bad habits that will harm/protect their body.
  • Intellectual Development
    Through the research, scouts will be able to gain more knowledge about their body and use this knowledge to better protect their body and for the development of their body.
  • Character Development
    Scouts will be able to gain critical awareness of the activity and make sound decisions in the patrol activities as they progress through.

Activity Counts Towards

1m. Plan TWO Scouting games requiring teamwork

2m. Research and learn about THREE sports that are new to you. Record in your Journal on the history, rules, popularity and how it helps people to keep fit.

3m. Set a goal for physical fitness that can be done at home for a period of TEN weeks and participate in it regularly (no less than FIVE hours) to show improvement over this period.
Research on the harmful impact of smoking, alcohol and drug use – understand why these harmful products are still being used and what governments around the world are doing to address these issues."