Sports & Physical Recreation (SL2)

You will need

  • Computer
  • Fitness Equipment (If needed)


Please ensure that you are following safe distancing guidelines.


2. Based on your findings your level 1’s activity, set a common goal with your cohort for Physical Fitness for a period of THREE weeks and participate in it regularly (no less than FIVE hours) to show improvement over this period.

Some fitness goals can include but not limited to:
– Sweat more
– Strengthen certain muscle groups
– Being able to achieve timing/reps in certain exercises (i.e Running, Pushups, Situps, Pullups)

Scouts can use SMART goal setting to have a physical fitness plan for a period of three weeks.
– Specific
– Measurable
– Achievable
– Relevant
– Timely



  • 1i. Share your thoughts of the Scouting game you participated in.
  • 1ii. What are the lessons that you can learn from this scouting game?
  • 1iii. Why are these lessons important or valuable to you?
  • 1iv. How can you apply these lessons in your scouting journey or your life journey?
  • 2i. What are some of the difficulties you faced while starting your plan to reach your goal?
  • 2ii. Why is it important to improve your physical wellness?



  • Social Development
    Scouts will be able to learn to take decisions and act upon them together with the team.
  • Physical Development
    Scouts will be able to participate in an activity which contributes to the development of their body.
  • Intellectual Development
    Scouts will be able to expand their knowledge with inputs/discussions from one another.
  • Character Development
    Scouts will be able to learn how to accept and evaluate the criticisms of their contribution to the common goal that they are setting together as a cohort.

Activity Counts Towards

1. Participate in a Scouting Game requiring teamwork during a troop meeting.

2. Set a goal for Physical Fitness for a period of THREE weeks and participate in it regularly (no less than FIVE hours) to show improvement over this period.