Sports & Physical Recreation (SL1)

You will need

  • Computer
  • Fitness Equipment (If needed)


Please ensure that you are following safe distancing guidelines.


1. Research and find out what exactly are Scout games?


2. Research on some of the essential muscle groups that will help you in achieving a pass in your fitness test (i.e NAPFA)
Muscles groups that you wish to strengthen
A weight loss/workout journey that you wish to take upon.



  • 1i. Share your thoughts of the Scouting game you participated in.
  • 1ii. What are the lessons that you can learn from this scouting game?
  • 1iii. Why are these lessons important or valuable to you?
  • 1iv. How can you apply these lessons in your scouting journey or your life journey?
  • 2i. What are some of the difficulties you faced while starting your plan to reach your goal?
  • 2ii. Why is it important to improve your physical wellness? “



  • Social Development
    Scouts would be able to understand more about the scouting games that they will be playing with the patrol and interact/communicate better during the games.
  • Physical Development
    Scouts will be able to understand more about their own body through the research of the different muscle groups that will help them with their physical tests.
  • Intellectual Development
    Scouts will be able to continually expand their knowledge through the research and understanding of scout games as well as their own body.
  • Character Development
    Through this activity, scouts will be able to make decisions by themselves and to act on the decisions.

Activity Counts Towards

1. Participate in a Scouting Game requiring teamwork during a troop meeting.

2. Set a goal for Physical Fitness for a period of THREE weeks and participate in it regularly (no less than FIVE hours) to show improvement over this period.