Regardless of

Diversity involves valuing and having regard for everyone and using those differences to create cohesive and diverse local, national and global communities. Put the “I” in diversity in this challenge!

Cub Scouts and Beyond

What comes after these few years as a Cub Scout? Find out more about the continuation of your journey

My Scout Promise

What am I thankful for today? How did I exemplify my Scout promise today?


What can I do if I see someone who has fallen down at the park? What number should I call for emergency services?

Good Turns

What was your good turn for the day? Share with your leaders how you have helped another person in need. Do remember to attach photos of yourself in action!

My Homeland

What is so special about this island we call home? Lets find out more

Track and Trail

A treasure hunt at home, why not? Hide something and lay a trail for your family members to follow and locate the treasure you’ve hidden.

Creative Pursuits (VL2)

1. Expand on the plan that you have done in level 1’s activity. The plan should include the following details: – Timeline – Activities – Logistics needed – Budget – (include any other details that are not covered that is essential to your plan)

Creative Pursuits (VL1)

1. Plan one of the following events: – Online Gangshow, Talent Night, Concert – Create an online platform (Blogger, WordPress etc.), to exhibit art pieces produced by the Scout Group. – Organise a Scouts’ Own including programme planning and selecting or writing prayers or music – Design and plan materials to promote scouting that can […]